Generation Sinai is an annual global event for parents and children to experience the magic of learning Torah together.
It takes place during one morning, just before Shavuot, in schools throughout the world. It is about creating an inspiring experience for parents and children to bond over our Jewish values and heritage.
Generation Sinai was first introduced in South Africa in 2011, and it has become a hugely popular annual event, which both kids and parents look forward to each year. It now runs in schools around the world, including in the United States, UK, Russia, Australia, Germany and Israel.
Each year, the material is created specifically to facilitate a fun, meaningful and engaging experience between parents and children. To see previous modules, please visit generationsinai.com, and to see pictures of past Generation Sinai events, have a look at our Facebook page

9000 school learners.
15 000 parents.
40 schools.