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This year, like just about everything else, Generation Sinai is a little different. We’ve built a virtual learning module that is designed to give a well-deserved break to all the incredible and dedicated parents and teachers of our community. What’s more – we’re probably making a bit of South African Jewish history, as every Jewish day school across South Africa will get onto one Zoom call together.
The theme for 2020 is Kiddush. When we gather around the table as a family on Friday night to say Kiddush, we are doing so to fulfil a great mitzvah. This is based on the verse: “Remember the day of Shabbos to make it holy.” The Talmud explains that this is done by actually pronouncing the holiness of the day out loud. This first paragraph of Kiddush is made up of the verses as they appear in the Book of Bereishit. They describe how, after six days of creation, G-d rested and established the concept of Shabbos for all future generations.
By saying these verses out loud every week, we give testimony to the foundational truth of the world. And this is that G-d exists – and He created the world from nothing. Everything and everybody is a creation of Hashem. He made the beautiful world we see around us.

Generation Sinai 

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Follow this video, and our specially produced beat, so we can all proclaim the words of Kiddush – our mission statement – out loud together. Don’t be scared. Even if you can't read Hebrew, you’ll find it easy to follow!

Download this printable Kiddush prayer to use at home.

Pre-primary school module

Sit back, relax and let some of your beloved teachers read a story to you about Shabbos and how G-d created the whole world and everything in it.

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Primary school module

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Everything you wanted to know and more about the beautiful Kiddush prayer we say every Friday night! Let’s delve a bit deeper to explore this significant tradition of ours.


Little Givers

Bill of Responsibilities

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